$299.00 AUD

Medicare Audit

From Refund to 100% Compliance

Every psychologist providing psychological therapy services under the Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Initiative arrangements, whether in solo or group private practice, continues to be individually responsible for ensuring compliance as part of an administrative Medicare auditing. This training provides an opportunity for practitioners to review administrative regulatory requirements associated with the Better Access Initiative, understand what a Medicare audit entails, and develop processes towards compliance. The training comprises 4 pre-recorded webinars, available for on-demand viewing with an associated 6-months access duration. In total, the training provides 7-CPD hours and authorised access to associated practical implementation templates. Immediate access to this training is available subsequent to registration and payment confirmation.

Learning objectives and inclusions:

  • Understand administrative requirements encompassed under the Better Access to Mental Health Initiative. 

  • Understand what an audit process entails. 

  • Understand what constitutes evidence of compliance. 

  • Clarify misconceptions and avoid common pitfalls. 

  • Adequately identify essentials required for maintaining a compliant practice.

  • Access practical templates and resources towards compliance.

The content of this webinar is referenced to a practitioner review of first-hand experience navigating two Medicare audits, initial audit that resulted in a non-compliant outcome and an associated refund liability and a subsequent audit that resulted in 100% compliance and an associated "No Concerns Identified" outcome. A thorough review of information and resources collated from MBS-Online, Services Australia, Department of Health, and Medicare, is also referenced throughout the training.


"My Names is Dariusz and i have been a psychologist for over 13 years. I have done countless courses and webinars on Medicare (better access program). No other course/webinar has provided me with clearer definitions and advice on how to meet all Medicare requirements. The personal experience of the presenter and her insight also provided invaluable information on changing my approach to document completion and record keeping. I highly recommend all psychologists working in private practice complete this webinar. I specifically would like to highlight that this webinar/course unlike all others I have attend provided useful and relevant templets and as well as examples, which in my experience is lacking from all other courses/webinars I have attended." D.G. Psychologist.

"Very detailed Webinar on meeting Medicare Audit requirements, including extremely helpful Templates and recommended administrative guidelines." A.R. Clinical Psychologist.